My Last Seizure

7 years and one week ago today (11/16/2016), I had my last seizure. As coincidence will have it, I was unpacking from a recent move and found this series of polaroids that I took after the event.

The first one is the scene of the crime, the shower. Although I knew I’d never forget where it happened, documenting it through photography brought me comfort and made me feel more in control of my circumstances. The following images are just some of the several people who came to support me after.

Epilepsy is a difficult neurological disorder that presents itself in many different ways depending on the person. For some people, they may appear as though they’ve spaced out, for others, like me, they may fall and convulse. There is a broad spectrum of symptoms that come with epilepsy and none of them are fun.

I never liked to talk about my health conditions in the past because I found them embarrassing and had a very difficult time vocalizing just how scary an event like a seizure can be. I hope by sharing a bit of my experience, others may feel more comfortable dealing with their own.

I am extremely grateful that I have made it so long without having another seizure, but for many, this is a daily occurrence. For anyone else who has epilepsy or a loved one with epilepsy and would like to ask any questions or just chat, you know where to find me!


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