A Couple Dozen Pills a Day Keeps My Doctors at Bay

I drew all the pills I take in a day! I hate taking over 30 pills daily, but I’m incredibly privileged to be able to afford medication that keeps me healthy. I’m also privileged to have access to health insurance and a team of very supportive doctors. That hasn’t always been the case though, and isn’t the case for millions of people.
Medications have a lot of side effects, some worse than the problem itself. Over the last 31 years, I’ve found a lot of solutions to my medical challenges through supplements vs prescribed meds. I’ve learned so much about myself, my health, health insurance policies, important questions to ask doctors, questions people should be asking pharmacists, etc.
This year, I’d like to start sharing everything I’ve learned for those interested. I want to share my experience to educate those who may be unfamiliar with some of these disorders. I’d also like to help people with similar conditions feel less alone with their challenges.
Swipe right to see the list of meds and conditions and I’ll be talking about in more detail through my art.