Face First Films
Website Redesign
Analyzed and redesigned facefirstfilms.com, the portfolio of Emmy Award-winning film writer, editor & director Jeff Reilly. Prepared a competitive analysis of the site, created user personas and scenarios, designed card sorting activities, conducted usability testing with volunteers, performed diary studies, surveys, and user interviews. After collecting and analyzing the data, redesigned a comprehensive and modern website for the client.
Jeff Reilly needed a complete redesign of his website. He came to me with an outdated site that did not showcase his Emmy Award-winning work successfully.
Performed a competitive analysis and created personas as well as a diary study to empathize with the users. I conducted user interviews, surveys, card-sorting activities, and a usability test.
The research allowed me to find opportunities to sort the sections of the website in a clearer way, simplifying the navigation. In addition, I found through usability testing that users had experienced difficulty finding information on Jeff’s services and contacting him for more information.
I ideated several solutions and worked with Jeff to help his vision come to life. Once we settled on the feel of the site, I tested several formats in order to find the best way to showcase his work and allow people to find the information they were seeking.
I created a services tab in the navigation, simplified the information architecture by nesting categories, added social media information, as well as contact information, to allow people to get a better understanding of who Jeff is, and what he has to offer. The redesign also completely refreshed the UI with a more modern look that showcased the video samples with more prominence.
Executive Summary
User Personas & Scenarios
Diary Study & User Interviews